
Upwork New Payment Method Direct to Local Bank (previously Local Funds Transfer)

Upwork announced a new Payment method “Direct to Local Bank” (previously Local Fund Transfer) A new way to withdraw your funds – for even less than before In 2017, this is a really big news for the freelancers outside USA specially in Pakistan who work and earn with the web services like Web Design & Developemnt, […]

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How to make money as a freelancer

Welcome to the world of Freelancing. You are here just because either you are not satisfied with your current job or you might be wandering to get a job where you have full freedom and control on your own schedule. You are not looking for a job but an independent business that you can run […]

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7 Tips to become a successful Freelancer in Pakistan

After writing a descriptive article at the end of the month, I uphold the same topic to persuading people who intended to venture for Freelance career. By pursuing my previous article “Why freelancers failure to get freelance jobs“, people interacted by emails and comments on the blog and insisted to go in depth with the same […]

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