lowest price domains

Lowest Price Domains for sale


Lowest Price Domains” is the keyword that used thousands of times when a domainer or end user tries to find the Premium, aged, high quality domain names for the cheapest price. So this keyword term is the most popular and most searched phrase specially on Google search results.

Currently an exact matched Domain LowestPriceDomains.com is for sale that is a great opportunity to the domain advertisers like Godaddy Namecheap dynadot namesilo and several others, who pay around $15 per click for this keyword term. Since this is an exact matched type in keyword, the advertisers can save thousands of dollars ($) they spend to display their Lowest Price Domains ads on the internet. Its very easy to establish a website or landing page and optimize for seo so that the page can get top ranking on google for this exact match domain (emd).

LowestPriceDomains.com specifications are below:

  • Domain created:  January 26, 2000.
  • Expiry date: January 26, 2019.
  • Domain Age: 18 years
  • Registerar: Godaddy.com
  • Never developed
  • Monthly searches 31,300
  • Cost per click (CPC) rate: $14.92 /click
  • 1,150,000 search results on google for “lowest price Domains” phrase.
  • Great Extension: .com has the highest resale value
  •  Highly Competitive: Advertisers pay up to $15 per click to advertise under lowest price domains

Similar Domain names sales history:

lowest price domainsWith all the above information, this domain is a great choice for the big Domain providers to advertise or directly sell their domain names under this exact match keyword. The most famous and top domain appraisal website Estibot reveals detail about LowestPriceDomains.com to know the importance of this domain.

Advantages and benefit to sell under Lowest Price Domains

The Domain registrar can setup a landing page / Sales page for displaying their cheapest domain names list that is available to sell new domains registration from $0.46, $0.99, $1.17. The domain buyers, Domainers, Business owners, Bloggers, Authors, IT professionals and other people like to search affordable Domain names or find the Bargain Bin price for the cheapest domain listed on DN forums and marketplaces. Namepros is a great example of lowest price Domains forum.

Another great usage of the domain name LowestPriceDomains.com  is to establish a cheapest domain names registrar classified listing with domain extensions, prices, transfer & renewal information like tld-list.com.

So there are huge benefits to make great income with this domain name so if you are looking for a quick rankable domain name selling business setup as shop or store, lowestpricedomains.com is a premium domain for sale that you can just buy before someone else does.


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