Hi, I am SHAHZAD BASHIR the author of this easy money making Guide EBook. Over the years I have been exploring several “Niches” that could generate online income from home in order to increase the benefits of the time on the internet. Let me share this proven profitable method of making money using the basic skill of web design & little knowledge or the current market trend towards selling the business websites (referred to as “Turnkey websites”).
How to make money online in 2017 from Pakistan?
I am a professional website flipper, making money selling websites of different Niches over the internet at the top marketplaces. The way I make money online by selling websites is not complicated but very easy if you have internet access. I won’t go in the complications that I faced in my early days when I started this method of making money. Instead, I’ll take you straight to the way I used and found implementable for the others specially newbies who are willing to be entered in this field but wandering where to start?
Why am I publishing this guide?
I always tried to share my knowledge and experience with the people who want to make money online using easy methods that really work as I know there are tons of thousands people who are selling their eBooks, videos, articles, blogs and software to grab your attention about how to “make money online” using the different methods, but i am sorry to say that they are making money from you infect instead of making you money.
Well, Since a long time I am selling websites around the world both new and experienced buyers and always provided outclass services and after sales services that’s the reason why I have a large scale buyers network today and most of them are new to buying and selling website but now making money after learning my simple tips and ways.
So you are also going to be a website flipper right after reading this eBook and learning the process and tips that are proven and effective in terms of becoming a great seller of this countless community of website flippers.
Good luck!

Introduction of website selling guide
After experiencing 100s of websites and domain names buying and selling, this Ebook is written for the online money makers specially newbies who want to invest and earn good passive income by selling websites. This Ebook is written by assuming that the readers have zero knowledge of internet business so they can learn from scratch.
What will you get after reading EBook ?
After reading this ebook, you will be able to:
Buy the in-demand high paying websites, blogs, forums, online store, affiliate websites that will make you passive money.
Optimize the purchased website according to the selling preferences. Also, optimize the web pages using on-page seo optimization tips to make the site search engine friendly.
Monetize the website by Google AdSense, Clickbank, Amazon and/or other online money generating programs.
Sell and transfer the website to the buyers hosting account without any problem.
Index: (Table of Content)
Chapter -1 : Websites Flipping Basics
Quick Introduction of website business
What is website flipping?
What requires becoming a professional flipper
Basics of website buying and selling
Domain name and Hosting (difference)
Types of Hosting accounts (single – Reseller – VPS Server)
What Hosting user interface is most popular (hostgator vs Godaddy)
Top 5 hosting providers
Importance of Website Niche
WordPress website popularity in selling
What is Niche? Importance of Niche.
How to find a profitable in-demand Niche?
Domain / Website Appraisal rate
Chapter-2: Buying Profitable Websites
How to buy a website?
Where to buy a website?
How to buy websites from Auctions?
Precautions of buying websites
Due diligence before buying websites and domains
How to pay online?
Transfer of your Website and Domain name
Transfer of Domain (process)
Transfer of website & database (full process)
Backup and Restore from cpanel & PhpMyAdmin
Backup and Restore by Plugins
Quick introduction of website business
The opportunities of making money online are endless and beyond the imagination. There are thousands of different methods are being used to generate passive income over the internet. If you are new to internet and just looking for a straight forward way to make REAL money but at the same time experience and knowledge as well then the website selling business is my recommendation for you.
As I promised earlier, I’ll take you straight to the way that leads towards the successful income generation along with the knowledge and experience. So here we go but remember that this “ebook” is written assuming you as a newbie so should you have prior knowledge of any certain topic, you have a choice to pass and go through the rest of the points but i am afraid you’ll lose my expert opinion so I suggest you to go through every chapter to have my experience of selling “websites”.
What is Website flipping?
The website selling is typically called “website flipping”. It is the most interesting yet guaranteed money generating business over the internet. I’ll not go to introduce or elaborate the different other businesses like affiliate marketing, PPC, Ad posting, Paid survey, email sending blah blah. Similarly the “Niche” is the category of online business. For example: Domaining Niche, SEO Niche, Medical Niche etc
What requires becoming a professional flipper?
This is the business that is similar to the property investments. In this business you create and/or buy the website that suits your Niche under your budget and then sell it for good or sometimes double price either in the same condition without doing anything or making some changes to optimize the website.
Basic of website buying and selling:
The basic concept should be cleared that it’s a simple buying and selling websites business.
But let’s add two more things in buying and “selling websites”.
1. Creating Sales letter or description
2. Transferring the website to the buyers hosting
So the process is now as simple as below: Find a Niche website (Games, Health, Beauty, SEO, Articles, Social media, Business, Sports, Movie, Music, and Software etc.)
Buy the hot in-demand Niche website from the auction sites, website sellers or web developers.
Create Sales letter according to the website Niche, marketplace you wish to sell on, website content, website demand and the price.
After getting sold, transfer the website to the new buyer of the particular website.
Now coming to the point, let me clear three different things that confuse the people when they come to buy the website.
- Domain Name
- Website
- Hosting
1. What is Domain name: A domain name is the website name or address typically called “URL” that a visitor types in the web browser and the browser then displays the website page in return. Remember that i am talking about only website name or website address like www.yourwebsite.com or http://yourwebsite.com
Visit our Domains Marketplace for the available high quality domain names
The domain name is very important factor when it comes to selling the website. A keyword rich domain that explains any word, meaning, phrase, thing, product and human is easy to sell instead of a domain name that doesn’t make any sense.
There are hundreds of extensions available to register these days but few old domain name extensions are very much popular. Let’s have a look at the extensions and there meanings.
.COM: (Commercial) – This is the most popular domain extension used globally and everybody knows about this extension. The minimum characters .com domain names are very expensive and being sold for over 5 figures. Also the search engines like Google, yahoo, Bing and others prefer .com extension to show at the top of the search results.
.Net: (Network) – This refers to the “Network” and very popular after a .com extension. The Big Companies, Firms, Institutions most likely use .Net extension to show their presence at the internet.
.Org: (Organization) – Highly recommended extension for Multinationals firms, Organizations, NGOs, Institutional organizations, etc.
.Info: (Information) – This used for the website that provides information about any particular subject so this is also a very popular form of extension.
2. What is a Website: Website is a set of file(s) and directories that contain the website page(s) in an organized fashion and all the pages linked to the home page and/or each other. The website files can be found in html, css, php, xml, xhtml and several other extensions. Now the thing is, you need to have a domain name linked with these websites when you go to see them on the internet so here comes a domain name or website address that displays these particular web page files in the browser.
3. What is Hosting: The third important thing is “Hosting”. The hosting is basically an account that is created on an online server computer by registering your domain name and allocating a piece of hard drive space for a set monthly or yearly price. This is important to keep your “website” files on that server computer’s allocated space because those server computers or “hosts” designed to provide the particular services and never shutdown so that your website is accessible 24 hours from anywhere in the world.
You will have to buy a hosting account prior buying a website so that you can keep the website up and running 24 hours and safe from being theft or lost.
Types of hosting accounts
There are number of hosting types but I am telling you the three simple hosting accounts.
1. Individual hosting account
2. Reseller Hosting account
3. VPS Server
Individual hosting account is created for an individual who want to host one website or more than one websites on a single account. There are different packages to buy according to the scale of the business needs and websites size. One can buy the hosting either to host only one website. This is recommended for the individual who are not professional seller or developer and has the only website for their personal profile, business or portfolio.
If someone planning to become a website seller then the unlimited package is the best option because number of websites can be hosted and their databases can be created on a single user account. Also, unlimited email addresses, FTP accounts, domains, sub domains and add on domains.
Reseller hosting account is used to make money by selling the individual hosting accounts from a particular hosting provider. Unlike a single user account, A reseller account requires more monthly or yearly fee but has a great amount of space to sell on your own prices. For example you buy a reseller account from hostgator.com as low as $30/month for 60GB space and sell 60 1GB accounts to the individual users for a price of $20, you can earn $1000 directly into your bank or PayPal account. Sound’s great! Also, you can host unlimited websites when you go to become a professional website seller.
VPS hosting account is the best option if you want to host unlimited websites that has big sizes of files and databases. You can host big websites on VPS servers with additional hosting features but it requires a great amount and only if you are professional and have experience buying selling website then go for VPS servers hosting account.
What hosting user interface is popular?
Before going to buy a hosting account, you should be aware of the most recommended hosting user interface. Currently Cpanel hosting user interface is the most popular and recommended hosting user interface. This is because it is super easy to understand and control. Any one, no matter experienced or not, can be easily learn and operate the different processes on a Cpanel hosting. (See the image)
Every section has the video associated with the particular icon so you can learn from the video and use the associated icon to perform your hosting tasks.
Remember that most of the “website sellers” like to sell on cpanel hosting because transferring the website and databases is very easy and fast on “cpanel hosting”. It saves sellers time.
Hostgator.com, Bluehost.com, Justhost.com are the top hosts that provides “Cpanel” user interface.
Instead, Godaddy.com uses its own custom hosting user interface that not only difficult to understand by a newbie, but has lots of issues when it comes to website transfer. The interface is complicated and most of the times a new user becomes confused in understanding the navigation and process on “Godaddy.com”
On the other hand, Godaddy.com is the best choice to “register and host the domain names”. Confused? Don’t worry i’ll elaborate it later in this ebook.
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Importance of website “Niche”
Niche typically refers to the type of a website. Health and fitness, SEO, Social media, Sports etc. are the Niches. So this word “Niche” is commonly used among the professional sellers. Hot niche website can make more money than a non-particular niche website. SEO is a hot niche in selling website and it makes high profit to the seller. There are other hot Niches that are currently in-demand.
You can Google and find the hottest niches that pay good return of investment (ROI) and sold faster. But it requires expertise and knowledge of SEO so that one can run or sell professionally.
Finding in-demand Niche website
As described before, there are different niches and you can buy one but before you buy, try to check the selling ratio of any particular niche website on the platform or portals that are buying or selling websites.
Also, the best way to check the Niche website popularity and the selling rates is to check on “Auction” websites. The auction websites are the website where the website sellers launch their websites for auction and the buyers “Bid” on that auction. A very popular auction website is Flippa.com that will be discussed in details later in this ebook.
Additionally, there are hundreds of articles and blogs are available on the topic “profitable Niches” so you can Google and find lots of other details related to that topic. Just type the keywords or phrase in Google search field and see the results.
Part 2: Buying profitable websites |
Buying a website is an art infect because you invest your money when buying a website and supposed to be getting good ROI “Return of Investment” by selling later on. So you have to have idea about which kind of website is good in ROI.
There are hundreds of Niches as i told you above that you need to either consider the niche you have fair enough knowledge about or simply Google and find what is the hot selling “niche” by searching on the auction sites, website flipping marketplaces other forums etc. The best thing is to find one that is in-demand so that you can make quick money by easily selling the website and re-invest the money in any other purchase after keeping the profit.
Where to buy a website?
FreelanceFront Recommended Store for
Niche Websites starts from just $9.00
As an example, Flippa.com is the top website flipping marketplace where you can get quick idea about the hot niche that is in-demand as well as the market trend and price rates for any particular niche. Flippa.com is an Australian based web portal where the buyers and sellers register for free and enjoy their buying selling experience.
All you need to do is, just go to flippa and search “Just End” or “Just Sold” links or button to see the websites that recently sold and you get a quick idea about the websites popular types and their market prices so that will give you better insight to dive into this business.
You can buy the websites directly from the developers or online web stores and auction sites but the auctions sites covers the buyer so this is a good way to start your business without any fear of money loss in any case because “Flippa” provides options to tell them about the transaction and the good thing is that if the buyers have any problem or not satisfied with the transaction, they can lodge a “dispute” so that Flippa management check and decide about the dispute and keep the buyers or sellers safe from the loss.
So you better buy website from the auction because sometimes the sellers prefer selling their websites for the lower price than the exact market value. Of course! There is nothing too risky because usually the developer sell their property (website) to get fund for reinvesting in any other project so it’s a usual process and you should not lose any opportunity to buy such a website that is worth more than the selling price.
How to buy a website from Auctions?
On the auction site you have a choice to buy with “Buy Now” Option or through “Bid” as regular process. Both the processes are simple to understand but let me explain it to you.
Bidding on a listing: Bidding on a listed item requires you to wait and see and even you bid on that, you need to wait unless the auction ends and you win that. But it’s not sure because sometimes at the last moment someone else bid on the auction and wins. The last moments of an auction gets more bids than the starting period because a high percentage of the buyers like to rush on “Ending auction” websites to save the time.
They like to see which auction is going to be ended and then bid on the desired listing so the ending period of an auction is the game changer.
You can consider “Buy Now” option if you think the fixed price is under your budget or sometimes the sellers offer such a good package or related services or products that really matter. For example Sellers offer “Free hosting, Free site transfer, Free SEO support or traffic and even another website or domain along with the listed item. So you don’t want to lose that stuff that worth more than the price you pay.
Also, you can end the auction by clicking on “Buy Now” button immediately. The sellers happily welcome you as a Buy Now buyer and usually they go beyond the limit in providing fast services and help.
What should you do before making a final buying decision?
Well, there are certain reasons to check many things that are relevant to the website you are going to buy so you need to check and verify those information and without considering those, you might get loss of money in the form of a fake domain or banned website buying.
So, before making your final decision ask the buyer about the following things or find if these information are given in the sales letter or the listed auction details.
Check and verify the domain name: First thing first you should check and verify the domain name validation. There are hundreds of fake sellers making illegal money by selling the domain names that are FAKE or tempered. These domains may be covered with another domain name that are either banned or not existed.
To check domain name validity, visit the following URL.
OR check the domain validity on google.com
Go to google.com and type in search field info:yourwebsitename.com
If the Domain name is tempered or not exists, Google will return with the result saying,
“Sorry, no information is available for the URL yourwebsitename.com”
But if the domain name is valid, the following result will be shown in result.
You should further check the following information.
Domain name age and expiry date
Registrar name
When was the Website established
What is the seo score of the website
Has the domain name any previous history if the domain is expired before.
Check all the due diligence report attached with website
Check and verify the income proof if the website is involved in selling of any product or services.
Check and verify if the content of the website is unique.
Confirm that the domain name is registered to the sellers name or the ownership is verified by the auction website.
Check the website built platform and what program or language is used to develop the website.
Check if the website is licensed and the license expiry date
Make sure you will be given all the rights to edit and/or resell the website in future without any legal complications.
Once you are satisfied with everything, then move on to the next level and buy the website otherwise find another best available website.
How to pay online?
There are several different ways to pay the price after winning the auction or buying as “Buy Now” option but the Sellers prefer to get paid through PayPal due to several other reasons other than a secure transaction and option to get refund in case of a failed or incomplete transaction. Sometimes due to the technical aspects and sometimes fake sales, PayPal provide refund once a PayPal account holder opens a dispute against any particular transaction. So the first choice or the buyers and sellers are always through PayPal
Recommended: if you don’t have paypal account read this post
How to transfer the website to and from the Buyer/Seller hosting account?
What do you need to provide the Seller to get the website transferred in your hosting account?
Now as you have bought a website from an online auction website, You need to provide the hosting details to the seller so that he can transfer the website files and database to your account. If you have hosting account with “Cpanel”, then send the below information:
Your Cpanel URL
Your User ID and Password
The seller required to transfer the Domain Name and website along with all the files, directories and database.
Once the website is transferred to your hosting, instantly do the following :
Check website online availability by accessing through different Browsers
Check website availability using your mobile phone
Check and make sure you have Admin user id and password to login to the website control panel / Admin Area
Immediately change your Admin password and save on your hard drive
Check and verify the navigation links and Anchor links if all active and taking you to the relevant web page.
Check and make sure all the graphics being displayed.
Finally check if the seller has provided everything including free services or stuff he promised.
If are all set, then leave a feedback with positive reviews for the seller and save the sellers contact information for the future deals.
Also, don’t forget to create a backup of your website files and database as this is highly recommended for the future needs.
How to create a backup from Cpanel:
Login to your hosting cpanel
Click on “Backups” icon
Click on “Download or Generate full backup”
Once the backup is generated, Download to your computer and save.
Final Words: Get set go
This is the time to move to the next level after learning the websites flipping basics and in this book
you learnt the way to go ahead and buy your first website using the tips and information found in this E-Book.
Dear Readers ! I have shared my knowledge here so its now your turn. Let me know if you want to ask any question you may have that is not discussed here but raised in your mind. I’ll be more than happy to have your feedback.
Free Consultancy for buying & selling websites
visit FreelanceFront.com marketplace for the lowest price Niche websites & Domains starting from $9.00 just to give you an affordable start in the line of Buying Selling Websites in Pakistan
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